Do The Right Thing . . . 11/30/15

Blogger jacked up our blog - don't even know where to start -- will try to facilitate things here -- sorry for the confusion...
This is Walt Requejo, that crazy missionary that was sent out by Reality Carpinteria way back in February of 2007, still serving the Lord faithfully with my wife Maribel here in Ensenada, Mexico, until He comes back to take us to the Promised Land . . . Lord come quickly.
The above photo is the building my wife and I have been praying about as I venture out tomorrow to 'iron' out a rental agreement with our new landlord for this place, if the Lord is willing. It will be the home of H.E.L.P. ministry in Zorrillo, and what God has already placed in our hearts, to continue to serve the community with bible studies for our Jr. High and very soon elementary kids - we already have a wonderful location for our bibles studies in Durango, and we know that the Lord would have us take this step in faith to secure a home base for the kids of Zorrillo, both for bible studies and to also begin offering tutoring for all the kids, both jr. high and elementary.
Please keep us in prayer, that the Lord would give us favor with the landlord tomorrow, to use the facility to honor and glorify God, and to serve this amazing community the Lord has placed us in.
As we proceed with our new endeavor (our own ministry) the Lord has been directing us to continue as we always have - we are to encourage (1Thess5:11), provide hope (H.E.L.P., the name of our ministry), and continue to bless people (Gal6:10) in whatever manner God provides.
I will be posting during the next few days more updates on what has been going on here south of the border.
To see exactly how God has been working in our lives over the last weeks, please take a look at some of our blog entries below.
Our prayer as always is that more people will come alongside to assist us as we serve our gracious Lord here in Mexico, whether it be thru prayer, encouragement, or financial giving, you are a part of this ministry. My wife and I are just the hands & feet God has sent to share the Good News!
All of our love,

Walt & Maribel
email -
On Facebook - Chacho Libre
p.s. I will now try to date my blog entries as they happened - Shalom

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

"I Need Cover Fire . . . "

"For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayer."
"The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."
Last year while crossing the border into Tijuana (see photo), I was harassed, pulled over, ridiculed, fined, held in custody for hours, threatened, sent back to the U.S. a number of times, and almost had my car impounded once. All this happened when I tried to do things legitimately so I WOULDN'T get hassled. All I was trying to do was bring blessings (supplies, clothes, food) to the people of Ensenada. The enemy is a liar, a thug, and a thief!
The truth is, I was ready to give up - I didn't want to bring anything across ever again and hassle with those border people.
When I got back from a four month sabbatical in January, I made it a point to have a U.S. cell phone with me at all times so I could text message everyone back home just minutes before hitting the border, asking everyone to pray for God's favor and traveling mercies as I attempted to bring more 'blessings' to Mexico.
In the last six months, I have probably crossed that border into Tijuana as many times as I did the previous year, and only by the grace of God and your prayers, I have NEVER been stopped!!! Praise Him!!!
I will admit I get this sick feeling in my stomach just as I'm entering the border wondering, "Lord, is this the one time I'm gonna get stopped and detained?"
Then when I finally reach the other side of that entrance gate (Mexico in red letters) and get the 'green' light to pass on thru, I just start praising the Lord and rejoicing because I KNOW that my homies back home have prayed for me, and I get to drive on thru to Ensenada with a huge smile on my face!
I have sent that text to pray so many times, it has become automatic for me -- ALWAYS send the text before reaching the border, "I need cover fire!" aka, please pray for me.
And for whatever reason, the Lord has seen fit to honor your prayers every single time!
Today for the first time just after crossing, it occurred to me that the Lord could 'allow' me to get hassled, harassed, and test my faith and patience like it was tested to the maximum last year.
But I praise the Lord that not once have I had do deal with any border agents, and that truly has been a huge blessing for me. I can't even begin to explain to all who receive my text via my cell phone, just how much I appreciate your prayers as I cross that border one more time. I am indebted to you.
Truly the prayers of my righteous friends availeth much!
Much love, from south of that border crossing I use to hate.

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