Do The Right Thing . . . 11/30/15

Blogger jacked up our blog - don't even know where to start -- will try to facilitate things here -- sorry for the confusion...
This is Walt Requejo, that crazy missionary that was sent out by Reality Carpinteria way back in February of 2007, still serving the Lord faithfully with my wife Maribel here in Ensenada, Mexico, until He comes back to take us to the Promised Land . . . Lord come quickly.
The above photo is the building my wife and I have been praying about as I venture out tomorrow to 'iron' out a rental agreement with our new landlord for this place, if the Lord is willing. It will be the home of H.E.L.P. ministry in Zorrillo, and what God has already placed in our hearts, to continue to serve the community with bible studies for our Jr. High and very soon elementary kids - we already have a wonderful location for our bibles studies in Durango, and we know that the Lord would have us take this step in faith to secure a home base for the kids of Zorrillo, both for bible studies and to also begin offering tutoring for all the kids, both jr. high and elementary.
Please keep us in prayer, that the Lord would give us favor with the landlord tomorrow, to use the facility to honor and glorify God, and to serve this amazing community the Lord has placed us in.
As we proceed with our new endeavor (our own ministry) the Lord has been directing us to continue as we always have - we are to encourage (1Thess5:11), provide hope (H.E.L.P., the name of our ministry), and continue to bless people (Gal6:10) in whatever manner God provides.
I will be posting during the next few days more updates on what has been going on here south of the border.
To see exactly how God has been working in our lives over the last weeks, please take a look at some of our blog entries below.
Our prayer as always is that more people will come alongside to assist us as we serve our gracious Lord here in Mexico, whether it be thru prayer, encouragement, or financial giving, you are a part of this ministry. My wife and I are just the hands & feet God has sent to share the Good News!
All of our love,

Walt & Maribel
email -
On Facebook - Chacho Libre
p.s. I will now try to date my blog entries as they happened - Shalom

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Kids of Durango . . .

We have prayerfully and purposely been meeting with the jr. high and elementary kids of Durango for over the last three weeks and it has been nothing short of spectacular . . . we love that all of the kids engage in worship songs, activities, and especially when it comes to the study of the Word they truly know that Jesus is Lord as the majority of our kids attend church in one location or another in this very tight knit community. The last two saturday evenings with the older group has been full of worship and prayer, bible study, and an amazing sense of family as we get together to encourage each other and pray for one another. Please continue to pray for all of our kids in Durango - living in poverty is not easy for anyone, but the smiles of these kids as they show up to the El Faro community center for our bible studies is something everyone should experience - truly the Lord has His hand on these kids, and my wife and I feel so honored that the Lord has placed us there for such a time as this . . . God is able.

It Was Blazing Hot Out There . . .

About over a week ago in Zorrillo . . . my wife and I had to hustle up 100 kids for a special gift -- the good people of Costco thru the Genesis Diez ministry wanted to bless the kids of the community with backpacks for school. We thank God for the pastors at the nearby church who were so gracious to allow us to use their facility for such an event. It was blazing hot and humid that day, and the kids showed up almost an hour early to get in line for that much needed item for school. In fact, over 125 kids showed up! Thru the grueling heat we had to maintain some type of order as to not disturb our neighbors, and much love goes out to Los Eligidos (jr. high) bible group who provided much of that crowd control and keeping the elementary kids in line. Also much love to our neighbor across the street who's large tree provided shade for most of the kids during the wait. In all over 125 kids received brand new backpacks, and the almost two hours they waited in line while we provided ice cold punch for them, was definitely worth it. God is good all the time!